zaterdag 19 mei 2012

onomatopoeia of the day     :

FUUT  [ füüt]  This also being the Dutch name for one the most beautifull birds of the universe.Most of the time this bird utters a quite hoarse call ('kreq'' comes to mind) but during mating time (see pictures below), also whistling tones. The great crested grebe ( the english thesaurii don't reveal where this namecomes from, maybe from the hoarse call? )is called in different regions of the Netherlands:
pronkvogel -strutbird, 
grote aalduiker - great eeldiver (they are great divers,leaving a trace of small bubbles,that, raising to the waterlevel burst and share their greatcrestedgrebelungscontent with the athmosphere), 
loem-connected with 'loon',
satijnduiker -satindiver,
 kroonduiker -crowndiver,
hjerringslynder (frisian) -herringswallower.

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